Communication Afrique Destinations

ECONOMY/DR CONGO - Flour crisis: Governor Kyabula to the rescue of Lubumbashi, deep Haut-Katanga abandoned to its sad fate!

The corn flour crisis situation in Haut-Katanga has become increasingly worrying in recent days. This staple food is experiencing unprecedented scarcity in the four corners of the province of Haut-Katanga.

In Kasumbalesa, for example, a bag of flour trades between 75,000Fc and 80,000Fc. A situation resulting from the scarcity of this product from Zambia, a neighboring country supplying Hauts-Katangai people.

To get flour, the commercial population travels long distances, even facing multiple hassles. “We buy in Zambia at 70.000Fc a 25kg bag, to resell at 75.000Fc or 80.000Fc Here in Kasumbalesa, flour is even rare. We are fighting to have it…”, a trader told CONGOPROFOND.NET.

In the meantime, the city of Lubumbashi escaped this flour crisis, thanks to the active intervention of the provincial government which has points of sale of “Made in Haut-Katanga” flour negotiable at 20,000 FC per 25 kg bag.

This policy of serving only the city of Lubumbashi on 6 territories and 3 cities is badly perceived by the population of deep Haut-Katanga who considers himself to be the victim of a form of injustice from the provincial government.

“We are all from Haut-Katanga and we deplore this unjust policy of the Jacques Kyabula government which consists in serving only the city of Lubumbashi, whereas this situation is general. Here in Kasumbalesa, we buy at 80,000Fc, at Sakania 50,000Fc, at Likasi 80,000Fc, Kipushi, Kasenga, Pweto, Kambove do not talk about it. Why is the provincial government only focusing on Lubumbashi?”, insists another inhabitant of Kasumbalesa.

As a reminder, the provincial government of Haut-Katanga has had communal offices in Lubumbashi as points of sale for local production at 20,000 FC per 25 kg bag.

By Joseph Malaba
Congo Profond (RD CONGO)

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Communication Afrique Destinations